How do I ask for forgiveness for my sins?
We must realize, acknowledge, and confess our sins. Read here about why we can pray over our sins with boldness.
How do I ask for forgiveness for my sins? Read MoreEnglish publication of the RCSA
We must realize, acknowledge, and confess our sins. Read here about why we can pray over our sins with boldness.
How do I ask for forgiveness for my sins? Read MoreWith the help of Psalm 31 we can – together with David – testify of our complete trust in the Lord even though we are full of iniquity.
With the Lord there is shelter Read MoreWhen you sing the Psalms, you are singing about Easter! We look at what three of the Psalms say about the crucifixion.
The Psalms and the cross Read MoreWe need to follow the example of David we read about in Psalm 51: Recognise your sins and ask God for forgiveness.
Repenting our sins like David Read More