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With this Cross Courier we explore the topic of forgiveness. When we realize why we are given the task of forgiveness, we see that it is very important to know how forgiveness works. In a way, explaining forgiveness explains the whole gospel. It starts with sin: As believers, we know that we are all born in sin. This means that we are more than likely to do things that will need forgiveness. And that is why we need Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Thankfully we have the amazing grace that Jesus died for us on the cross. By faith, through grace, our sins are forgiven.

In this Cross Courier we look at the covenants that God makes with us as believers. Being in this covenant relationship with God, means being a child of God. Understanding the covenants and what it means that God is our Father, leads to realizing how his promises impact our lives. This, in turn, leads to us seeing the blessings that God makes happen in our lives.

In John 12:36 we are called to “believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” To believe, we must understand what Jesus means when He says that He is the light. And only then can we understand how we can be light. That is exactly what this issue of Cross Courier focuses on.

Since 2020 the world has been feeling different and overwhelming. In this Cross Courier we go to the Bible to find the peace and comfort that God promises us.

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